Client Expectations

To ensure you make the most of this opportunity, there are several key expectations I have that will guide your experience with me.

✅ Commitment to Growth: The Performer’s Guide clients are expected to show dedication to their personal and professional development by actively participating in all mentorship sessions and assignments.

✅ Punctuality: Clients are expected to arrive on time (no later than 5 minutes) for all scheduled sessions and respect the time of your mentor and other participants.

✅ Preparation: You are expected to come prepared for each session with completed assignments, questions, and topics for discussion.

✅Openness to Feedback: Be receptive to constructive criticism and guidance from your mentor. Use feedback to improve your skills and performance.

✅ Active Participation: Engage actively in all discussions, activities, and exercises. Your active participation is crucial to your growth.

✅ Professionalism: You must maintain a professional attitude in all interactions, both within and outside the mentorship sessions. This includes communication, behavior, and adherence to agreed-upon norms.

✅ Confidentiality: Respect the confidentiality of all shared information within the mentorship program. This ensures a safe and trusting environment for all participants.

✅ Respect and Courtesy: Treat Krystin with respect and courtesy. Foster a supportive and positive learning environment. Do not curse, cuss, yell, or raise your voice at her during your call.

✅ Goal Setting: Actively work with Krystin to set clear, achievable goals for your mentorship journey. Regularly review and update these goals as you progress.

✅ Follow Through: Take responsibility for implementing the strategies and actions discussed during mentorship sessions. Consistent follow-through is key to achieving your goals.

✅ Feedback to the Program: Please provide honest feedback about the mentorship program to help improve the experience for future clients.

✅ Time Management: Balance your mentorship commitments with your other professional and personal responsibilities effectively.

✅ Accountability: Hold yourself accountable for your progress and actions. Be proactive in seeking help or resources if you encounter challenges.

✅ Positive Attitude: Maintain a positive and proactive attitude throughout the mentorship process. This will enhance your learning experience and motivate others.

✅ Continuous Learning: Embrace the mindset of continuous learning and improvement. Be open to exploring new ideas and techniques.

By adhering to these expectations, you will maximize the benefits of your mentorship experience with The Performer’s Guide and achieve your personal and professional goals.

🎪💖 Thank you so much!