Category: Uncategorized

  • How to Price a Lisenced Image

    How to Price a Lisenced Image

    In general, it is common to charge a licensing fee for the use of your images on someone else’s website. The amount you charge for the use of your image on someone else’s website will depend on a number of factors including: Size & scope of the website: The size and scope of the website…

  • List of Target Markets for Performers

    List of Target Markets for Performers

    As a performer, it can be challenging to gain traction and reach your intended audience. Knowing who your target market is and how to effectively reach them is essential for success. It requires an understanding of your unique talent, the type of audience you want to attract, and the best channels to communicate with them.…

  • How to Price a Class

    How to Price a Class

    Are you a Professional Performer who wants to teach lessons in addition to performing? I get asked quite often how to structure the pricing of a class, and how to decide on the cost of a class. Here is a breakdown of pricing structures for a 1 hour class: ✅ Flat rate: The student pays…

  • The Starving Artist Dilemna

    The Starving Artist Dilemna

    The starving artist dilemma refers to the idea that artists, particularly those in the fine arts, often struggle financially because they are unable to earn a sufficient income from their art. This can be due to a variety of factors, including the low demand for their work, lack of access to opportunities to sell their…

  • How to Recognize a Scam in the Entertainment Industry

    How to Recognize a Scam in the Entertainment Industry

    One question I get asked a lot is whether or not an entertainment company is a scam or legitimate. It’s not a simple answer. Here are some ways to tell if an entertainment company may be a scam: ⚠️ They require upfront payment: Legitimate companies usually don’t require payment before providing a service. Be wary…

  • Overcoming Rejection Sensitivity

    Overcoming Rejection Sensitivity

    Something I don’t hear a lot of people talk about is Rejection Sensitivity Disorder in the Entertainment Industry! Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) is a heightened sensitivity to perceived rejection or criticism, which can result in extreme emotional responses. Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) can have a significant impact on professional Performers because Performers often face frequent…

  • Tips to Getting a Residency

    Tips to Getting a Residency

    A residency for performers refers to an extended period of time where an artist or group of artists live and work in a specific location, typically a theater, venue, or institution. During the residency, the performers are given the opportunity to create and develop new works, collaborate with other artists, and engage with the local…

  • Tips for Getting More Publicity

    Tips for Getting More Publicity

    Publicity refers to the use of various communication channels, such as media outlets, advertising, and public relations, to generate awareness and attention for a person, organization, product, or service. It involves creating a positive image or reputation by disseminating information through various channels to reach a wide audience. The goal of publicity is to increase…

  • Artists =/= Free Labor

    Artists =/= Free Labor

    The Entertainment industry has long been a subject of fascination and admiration for many. Yet behind the glitz and glamor, there exists a dark reality of labor exploitation that often goes unnoticed. From actors and musicians to crew members and support staff, many individuals working in the entertainment industry are subject to unfair and unethical…

  • How to Write an EPK

    How to Write an EPK

    EPK stands for Electronic Press Kit, and is an extremely useful, and convenient tool for self-promotion. It is a digital performance resume that highlights your skills and showcases what separates you from your competition. A clean, organized EPK will be far better received than a huge attachment on an email, especially if it’s an unsolicited…